Without the following people it would have been very hard to have a Power Cheer team at ARHS.
Katie Van Vuplen and Melissa Berry for their dedication to developing a team and the work they put into
making it happen.
Mr. Rick d'Entremont, V.P., for putting up with the countless emails and reading the huge amounts
of papers of Wendy's incessant ramblings.
Mr. Blum, Principal, for allowing us to add another activity to an already
busy school.
Lou for making our deposits, counting change and maintaining a smile while doing so.
Amanda Deegan
for her countless hours and dedication towards fundraising.
Amherst Town Square Mall for allowing us to use the parking
lot to holds our BBQs.
Speedy Auto Glass for allowing us to use their site for our carwash.
J&K Electric
for their monetary donation which will be put towards our uniforms.
Pugwash District High School for being such a
big supporter of our new team and helping us out in so many ways!
Canadian Tire for allowing us to hold tag day
Zellers for allowing us to hold a tag day
Albion Auto for their monetary donation
The Amherst Lion's Club for their monetary donation
To Eclipse, Mark's Work Wearhouse, Mansours and San Lilies for supporting our fashion show. Thank
you so much for allowing us to model your clothes. You are sooo awesome!
A hundred years from now, it will not matter what my bank account was, how big my house was, or what kind of car I drove.
But the world may be a little better, because I was important in the life of a child.
- Forest Witcraft