Amanda Deegan and Melissa Chapman have been chosen as two of our competitive squad co-captains.
Melissa is 15 yrs. old and is in Grade 10 here at ARHS. She lives in Brookdale and enjoys horse back riding and
camping. Melissa's favorite subject is Math and her favorite teacher is none other then Mr. Chambers. Melissa loves
all music. She is one of our best cheerleaders and is a back spot. Melissa has been a cheerleader now for 6 months.
Yeah Melissa!
Amanda is 16 yrs old and in Grade 11 here at ARHS. Amanda lives in Amherst and two older and one younger brother. She
enjoys SHOPPING, BOYS, and of course CHEERLEADING. Her favorite subject is Career and Life Management and her favorite
teacher is also MR. CHAMBERS! Who she calls the most awesome person in the world! Amanda likes any music she can dance
too. Amanda is a base and is another one of our top cheerleaders. She has been a cheerleader now for 6 months
and wants to be able to coach at ARHS after gradutation. Yeah Amanda!